How to easily transition from nap time to quiet time

Nap time is a cherished time in the life of busy moms. It's many times the only productive time of the day for work, cleaning (by cleaning I mean the kind where kids are not following you around undoing your work as you complete it), planning, household management, and dinner prep.
Moving preschoolers from nap time to quiet time
But eventually, nap time must come to an end. So how do you make the transition from nap time to quiet time? In this blog post, we will discuss some tips that will help make the transition smoother for both you and your child.
We are also super excited about a few new products we are rolling out this summer, including a monthly subscription for independent play printable worksheets, which are perfect for afternoon quiet time.
As any parent of a toddler knows, naps are essential. They provide a much-needed break for both the child and the parent, and they give the child a chance to recharge after a busy morning of play or school. However, there comes a time when a toddler no longer needs a nap.
When is it time to drop afternoon naps?
The first question to answer with preschool schedules and naps is…how can you tell if your child is ready to transition out of naps? There are several signs to look for. First, does your child seem restless during nap time?
If he or she is struggling to fall asleep or is constantly getting up and down, it may be time to move from naps to quiet alone time in their room. Second, is your child having difficulty sleeping at night? If naps are disrupting nighttime sleep, it may be time to transition to quiet time instead.
Lastly, is your child's energy level consistently low in the afternoon? If she seems cranky and lethargic after lunchtime, it may be time for a change. If you notice any of these signs, it may be time to transition your toddler out of naps. With a little trial and error, you'll soon find the right schedule for your family.
The transition to quiet time can be tough at first, but quiet time provides a chance for the kids to be alone with their thoughts, to transition from one activity to the next, and to have some much-needed solitude. And it preserves a critical block of time in parents' schedules to have time alone or manage other work and home tasks.
As with all things toddler and preschool schedule related, one of the keys to successful quiet times is setting expectations for what is happening next in the day. Give your child a heads up before the transition is going to happen. Let them know that in fifteen or twenty minutes it will be time to start packing up or getting ready for quiet time. This will help them to begin mentally preparing to calm down.

What activities can they do during quiet time?
Provide a few options for quiet, solitary activities for your child to do during quiet time. This could be something as simple as reading a book, doing puzzles, or doing any of our Learning By Kelsey quiet time worksheets.
We also love the idea of a quiet time box under their bed that only comes out during this time. This reinforces the daily schedule and will make quiet time something to look forward to.
Finally, create a calm environment. Try dimming the lights and playing quiet music to help your child transition into quiet time peacefully.
Many kindergarten teachers have time in their classrooms in the afternoon where they dim the lights and play music while the kids read or play quietly, so this can be good training as they get ready for kindergarten!

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